Looking for a dog-friendly alarm system in Greensboro?
The loyal companionship and happiness a dog delivers to your home in Greensboro undeniably makes them a member of your family. However, many pets have been known to trip alarms on some home security systems. And it seems that the bigger your dog is, the greater the likelihood they might be the reason for a false alarm. So wouldn’t you find it nice if you had access to a dog-friendly alarm system in Greensboro?
Perfectly suited for dog owners, Vivint smart homes provide a range of benefits. First of all, you may rework the sensors to ignore locations where pets usually wander about. Next, use your indoor surveillance devices with high-def night vision and motion detection functionality to always have eyes on your furry housemates. Lastly, your dog-friendly alarm system should be straightforward to control so you can rapidly engage and disengage your property’s security as needed.
Set your sensors to allow for your pet
Today's door, window, and motion sensors are much more pet-friendly than past options. Small dogs or cats should have no trouble circumventing an inadvertent sensor trip, as the system can adapt to them. Bigger dogs and exuberant pets will have an increased possibility of false alarms, but you may reduce that chance with some adjustments on the Vivint mobile app.
- Set the sensitivity of your motion detector to low. You can also alter the range of the device.
- Place motion sensors away from frequented places, such as a pet’s preferred sleeping place or food bowl.
- Deactivate your alarms with your smartphone app when you’re getting close to the house -- specifically if your dog is known to bound past secured doors or windows when you're walking in.
- Set a smart light to activate to calm an uptight pet at night.
The capability of handling these changes is why Vivint is the top pet-friendly home security system in Greensboro.
Use your indoor security cameras to keep eyes on your dog
Indoor security cameras with two-way talk are an easy way for pet parents to look into their four-legged companions while at work or vacation with your intuitive cell phone app. Your surveillance devices even have the ability to provide a video feed of your pet in in less than ideal lighting in full high-def, so you’re able to observe what is transpiring throughout the house without leaving the bed. Whenever your surveillance devices notice unusual activity, you can have a short video segment delivered to your phone to determine if it's your animal or an intruder.
Your Vivint video components are also nice devices for dogs who scare easily. Whenever you observe them beginning to get uneasy, speak to them via the two-way audio feature. They will detect your voice and realize that all is fine. In addition, if you see that they are stressed during a storm, you can remotely activate a smart bulb to make the room less intimidating.
The leading dog-friendly home security system in Greensboro is simple to manage
These animal-friendly features are awesome, but they wouldn't help all that much if they were hard to operate. The nice aspect about a smart home system like Vivint's is that the various controls are both on your central hub interface and your cell phone app. Feel free to set your equipment around your family's lifestyle -- including the dogs! All it requires are a few touches of a button and you have your entire home defense package under control.
Customize your animal-friendly security system today!
Your home protection package shouldn't need to be an ordeal for your dogs. Instead, it should offer security while letting you create the best environment for your four-legged friends. Dial (336) 962-5081 or submit the form today!